Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

!! Free Ebook Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott

Free Ebook Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott

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Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott

Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott

Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott

Free Ebook Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott

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Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott

Are you looking for some delicious pasta recipes to impress friends and family? Look no further. Hannie P. Scott has created a list of some of the best pasta recipes known to man. They are simple and easy to prepare. These are pasta recipes you will LOVE! This book includes easy, step-by-step recipes for: -spaghettis -soups -pasta salads -casseroles -lasagnas -and many more!! This is the ultimate easy pasta cookbook. Before long you'll have everyone asking for more. With a nice variety of pasta recipes, you can please everyone (even the picky eaters)! Hannie's vision is to write a series of recipe books, each focusing on one theme or one type of food that could can be EASILY prepared by someone who wouldn't be considered your typical cook. She urges her readers to feel welcome to share recipes, thoughts, and ideas with her and any feedback is encouraged.

  • Sales Rank: #514241 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .9" w x 6.00" l, .15 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 38 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good Variety
By Sandy Toes
This little pasta book has something for everyone, with inclusions for Mexican, Asian and of course, Italian flavor profiles. Make no mistake, these are American recipes, the kind you'll find in many kitchens around the country. A few call for canned cream soups, but most use fresh ingredients, or at most, a jar of your favorite red pasta sauce. This doesn't mean you have to use a jarred sauce, of course. I substitute my own homemade sauce, which takes only a few minutes to make.

The recipes included are solid, no steps or ingredients are omitted and best of all, the (currently free) Kindle edition has a searchable TOC and all recipes begin at the top of a page. This is the way e-cookbooks should be presented. It lacks an index, but with only 24 recipes, it's not a major omission by any means.

My favorite recipe is Lasagna Roll-Ups, a simple and easy alternative to layered lasagna. It's incredibly easy to portion and freeze for a small family. Half the recipe fits in an 8x4 loaf pan. If the author had included recipes for quick classic like Spaghetti Carbonara, spaghetti aglio e olio, and a simple tomato sauce, I'd happily give this 5 stars. As written, though, it's a solid collection. I'm off to check out some of Ms. Scott's other cookbooks.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
not bad!
By Sara D.
Our family is either constantly on the go or entirely too lazy to cook, so quick and easy is a must for us. The fewer the ingredients, the faster the cooking process or the ease of cooking always puts a new recipe at the top of the list.

We do not eat certain foods simply because we are picky eaters, not on "diets", so I'm always in the market for cookbooks to steal ideas from to liven up our family dinners and find new ways to cook pretty much the same things. I was able to get quite a few couple from this book, so I'm not going to knock it too much. Some of these are okay, and some were really good!

I am probably not going to run around recommending it to my friends, but I certainly do not regret purchasing it. This is one of those where I am just going to say "try it for yourself at your own risk" because I am simply indifferent on it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
she's done it again
By Amazon Customer
Great recipes from a great chef l. This lady really knowa her way around the kitchen. These recipes prove that she should be in the southern cooking hall of fame . From the front to the back this cookbook is full of great recipes for you to try. Thank you and enjoy your meal and enjoy your day.

See all 11 customer reviews...

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Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott Kindle

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!! Free Ebook Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott Doc

!! Free Ebook Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott Doc
!! Free Ebook Pasta Recipes: Delicious and Easy Pasta Recipes, by Hannie P. Scott Doc

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