Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

^^ Free Ebook 44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic

Free Ebook 44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic

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44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic

44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic

44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic

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44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic

Discover 44 secrets that will show you how to master your soccer kick today!

How to get a powerful soccer kick?

In my experience, one of the biggest problems soccer players face with their kick is the lack of power. Gaining the maximum power on your kick is not hard at all. However, you need to have the right tools in order to do so. In this book, I will provide you with these tools and also make you aware of the common pitfalls you must avoid.

How to gain a perfect aim on your kick?

There is a small secret that decides whether your kick is going to be accurate or miss the target with several yards. This is a must-learn, and it will take your aim from average to perfect. Once you find out how to adapt it in your own game, you will realize how much time you have wasted with trying different techniques while the answer was in front of you all the time.

The biggest myth related to soccer kick?

There is a big myth when it comes to improving your soccer kick, and I will reveal it in this book. I will reveal how it affected my kick but also show you how to stay away from falling into the same trap like I did. This is something every soccer player should know because it can save you a lot of frustration and prevent you from wasting your time and money.

How to plan your soccer kick with success?

In order to increase the success of your soccer kick, you will need to have a plan before the ball reaches your feet. I will explain how you should think in order to gain the most advantage from your plan. This is something every soccer player should know, and if you have been wondering why your kicking is very poor, this could likely be the answer to your questions!

  • Sales Rank: #193769 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-11-18
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 124 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By Ferdinand Kasper Maximilian Defregger
An amazing book with heaps of different techhniques to kick a ball correctly.
It helped me heaps to perfect my shooting technique
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Helps weak foot
By T. NaPatalung
With this book you can get into the basics of kicking with your weak foot it's hard to find a place to start with but this book helps you find a place to start

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Soccer kicking skills
By Paul Mc Keown
Book is excellent and well written like previous work.
Mirsad is great at explaining the complicated skill with the simple of ease.

See all 10 customer reviews...

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^^ Free Ebook 44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic Doc

^^ Free Ebook 44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic Doc
^^ Free Ebook 44 Secrets for Great Soccer Kicking Skills, by Mirsad Hasic Doc

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