Rabu, 30 September 2015

** Get Free Ebook Pie Cookbook: 50 Pie Recipes (Paula's Top 50's Recipes Book 3), by Paula Isabella

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Pie Cookbook: 50 Pie Recipes (Paula's Top 50's Recipes Book 3), by Paula Isabella

Pie Cookbook: 50 Pie Recipes (Paula's Top 50's Recipes Book 3), by Paula Isabella

Pie Cookbook: 50 Pie Recipes (Paula's Top 50's Recipes Book 3), by Paula Isabella

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Pie Cookbook: 50 Pie Recipes (Paula's Top 50's Recipes Book 3), by Paula Isabella

Pie Cookbook
50 Pie Recipes + 265 Cooking Recipes as a Bonus
Pie is a baked dish which is made of a pastry dough (bought or homemade) that covers a filling.
A filled pie is known as a single-crust pie. It has a pastry layer at the bottom and the filling is placed on the top. The top is not covered.
A two-crust pie has the filling stuff enclosed in the pastry.
Pie is very easy to make and it does not require much talent. However, some pie recipes may be quite tricky and you could encounter difficulties during preparation.
If you would like to make something delicious, classic and to gather your family around the table, you should definitely choose the pie as the best option.
265 Recipes Cookbook Bonus at the end of this book


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  • Sales Rank: #982959 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-08
  • Released on: 2015-11-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Missing ingredient amounts
By Amazon Customer
I was really enjoying this book until the recipes started saying...cups...tsp...without any amounts for them. That kind of makes the recipe worthless. With some editing this would be a great book.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Margarita Salazar
I love the book. It is really what I needed. So please I bought.

See all 2 customer reviews...

Pie Cookbook: 50 Pie Recipes (Paula's Top 50's Recipes Book 3), by Paula Isabella PDF
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Selasa, 29 September 2015

** Free PDF Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie

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Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie

Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie

Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie

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Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie

The Nuwave Oven Cookbook will change your life. This quick & easy to use recipe book will show you how to get the most out of the most revolutionary home & kitchen appliance ever made. Now you can prepare a nutritious meal for the family effortlessly because this machine is actually more like a 5-in-1 model. You can air-fry, dehydrate, bake, and even cook using infrared radiation or induction cooking methods. The Nuwave Oven Cookbook on how to: - prepare an entire meal under 20 minutes - make homemade dehydrated fruits that don't suck - create lunches and dinners with natural healing foods - make nutritious and filling meals with nothing but a few ingredients and your Nuwave We even included the most popular recipes people search for: - gourmet pizza - turkey enchiladas - creamy eggs - chicken casserole - creamy german chocolate cake ookbook!

  • Sales Rank: #28188 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-12
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x .29" w x 8.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 126 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
I just love Nuwave Ovens and this book is great for getting started!
By C. Brant
This book explains everything you need to get started. I also appreciated the high quality formatting of the book and selection of unique recipes included. I must say I was blown away by the quality of this book and depth it goes with the different recipes. It doesn't assume you know anything and explains enough so that even a child could follow along with the recipes. Each of the recipes are unique and cover a wide variety of foods that you can make. It all seemed really complex in the beginning until reading this book. Now everything seems so clear!

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Waste of time!
By Robert Cohee
Most of the main recipes in this book require temps higher than the 350 degree max of the Nuwave oven. Not helpful at all.

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
The recipes are interesting, but there is a lot ...
By Vicki J. Stevens
The recipes are interesting, but there is a lot left out. What rack is used and how do you get a 350 degree oven up to 450 degrees?

See all 51 customer reviews...

Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie PDF
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** Free PDF Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie Doc
** Free PDF Nuwave Oven Cookbook: 101 Incredible Recipes For Busy Families (Nuwave Oven Recipes Series) (Volume 1), by Cooking With A Foodie Doc

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Oz Clarke Wine A-Z, by Oz Clarke

In Oz Clarke Wine A-Z, Britain's best-loved wine writer brings you more recommendations, more facts, and more opinion than any other comparable guide to wine. Well organized and easy to use, the more than 1,600 entries cover wines, producers, grapes, and wine regions from all over the world. Along with the handy country-by-country index, another index covers over 4,000 of the world’s top producers and their wines. Detailed vintage charts, on the inside front and back covers, provide advice on which top wines will be ready for drinking in 2016.

  • Sales Rank: #1676732 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.76" h x .76" w x 4.22" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Flexibound
  • 340 pages

About the Author
A former leading West End actor, Oz Clarke is one of the world's best-known wine experts. His formidable reputation is based on his extensive wine knowledge and accessible, no-nonsense approach. Known for his phenomenal palate, irreverent style, accurate predictions, and enthusiasm for life in general, Oz is Britain's most popular wine writer.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Same Great Oz Clarke Reference Updated for 2016 But Less-Convenient Larger Format
By PB2008
I purchase Oz Clarke's book every year, along with Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2016 book. Each has its strengths. For Clarke he includes detailed well-written descriptions, a lot of vintage information, and provides slightly more coverage than Johnson - especially of individual producers. The vintage information goes much farther back in time and is far more comprehensive than in Johnson's book.

Shortcomings are that he doesn't show which vintages are "at peak" and does not have a good section on matching food and wine. Johnson does both these, which is why I get both books.

In the past I've given Oz 5 stars. Why now 4? The format of the book is larger - taller and wider. Yet I don't think there is new information and the print size is about the same. It is just more INconvenient on account of the larger size. I also have no clue why they changed the title and removed the year. But it IS the 2016 update!

Still worth buying and highly recommended even though the size is less convenient.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Oz is universally respected as a good judge. Everyone has their own preference-mine is for ...
By Peter W. Spink
Oz is universally respected as a good judge.Everyone has their own preference-mine is for OZ's annual summary,

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Senin, 28 September 2015

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Yuki OnnaFrom Kelpie Comics

Yuki-Onna – 雪女
‘The snow woman’
A japanese folklore figure passed down through the centuries, the Yuki-Onna is a beautiful yet ruthless spirit, appearing in snowstorms to lead mortals to their death.
In this portrayal of the Yuki-Onna's origins, a little girl stumbles across the home of a fearsome wind demon, and forms an unlikely friendship. As she grows up, they make a promise to meet again – a promise that will one day lead to her terrible fate.

  • Sales Rank: #3152176 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-30
  • Released on: 2015-11-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Amazon Customer
Truly a beautiful book.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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Payard Cookies, by François Payard, Anne E. McBride

100 favorite cookie recipes from legendary pastry chef François Payard’s beloved patisseries and cafés

Third-generation pastry chef François Payard shares his favorite cookie recipes—the bestsellers at his popular New York City patisseries and cafés, the recipes he learned from his father, and the ones he makes at home. They range from the simplest sablés (butter cookies) to the most picture-perfect macarons, with everything in between: unassuming spice cookies, jam-filled linzers and other sandwiches, elegantly fluted and scalloped cannelés and madeleines, cakelike financiers, and beautifully iced cutout cookies for every holiday. All adapted for home cooks and tested in a home kitchen, these treats are easy to make yet offer a taste of “Paris-meets-Upper East Side” luxury to anyone, anywhere.

  • Sales Rank: #263117 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-03
  • Released on: 2015-11-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .98" w x 8.00" l, 2.25 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 272 pages

“Leave it to François Payard to create the ultimate indulgent global cookie cookbook! These pages are packed with the best cookies and explained in such a loving and approachable way!” –Johnny Iuzzini
“Sometimes all you need is a cookie. It’s two bites of satisfaction. What a wonderful look at the different shapes and flavors of something we all love—the simple, but irreplaceable, cookie.” –Dominique Ansel
“Pastry lovers everywhere will be able to bring François’ delicious cookies to their very own kitchens! From holiday cookies to linzers and macarons, there’s something for everyone in this book.” –Laurent Tourondel

About the Author
François Payard is the owner of Payard Patisserie & Bistro, FP Patisserie, and FPB bakery in New York, and a former pastry chef at some of the world’s finest restaurants, including Le Bernardin and DANIEL, also in New York City. He has been named Pastry Chef of the Year by both the James Beard Foundation and Bon Appetit, and awarded the prestigious Ordre National du Merite Agricole by the government of France. He lives in New York City. To learn more, visit www.payard.com.

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Shocked at How Good It is
By TheConsumer
I bought Payard Cookies with a grain of salt -- after all, this was the last name in desserts, and usually those guys do not share their secrets. I thought either it would bomb or it would be too technical and I would have to send it back.

I'm shocked really. The cookies are fairly easy to make and the feedback has been great too. I have made almond-vanilla financiers, coconut financiers, almond chocolate chip balls, and almond crescents. (I have a lot of almond flour around.) The coconut financiers and the almond crescents got great feedback at work. Today I brought in the chocolate chip balls and the almond vanilla financiers.

Responses from people: "The cookies are amazing." And, "Those cookies you brought in? They were just heavenly..."

They are right, the cookies are amazing. I will be bringing some to my family when I go up on Christmas Eve. Thank you, M. Payard. You over-delivered. This book's a keeper.

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Problem with Linzer cookies
By Amazon Customer
I have only made two cookies from this book so far. Hopefully the others will be sensational,BUT
the Linzer cookie recipe was off. Someone didn't proofread it correctly. There was not enough flour
for the amount of butter listed. I think the recipe needed more flour or less butter

12 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Supremely disappointed.
By R.L.
I've made three recipes so far from the book. Two turned out okay. The Biscotti with Anise Seeds was a major fail, and, considering the cost of two cups of almonds and two cups of hazelnuts, therefor the two stars. I followed the recipe EXACTLY. I weighed each of the ingredients with a high-quality scale and double-checked that I was weighing in grams, not ounces. The resulting dough was liquid. I triple-checked the steps I'd taken, and I hadn't missed anything. I couldn't shape it into logs--I had to pour it onto the cookie sheets. Supremely disappointed.

See all 27 customer reviews...

Payard Cookies, by François Payard, Anne E. McBride PDF
Payard Cookies, by François Payard, Anne E. McBride EPub
Payard Cookies, by François Payard, Anne E. McBride Doc
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Minggu, 27 September 2015

## Fee Download Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become an Instant Pot expert with timing guides for over 300 different ingredients with top tips t

Fee Download Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become an Instant Pot expert with timing guides for over 300 different ingredients with top tips t

Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become An Instant Pot Expert With Timing Guides For Over 300 Different Ingredients With Top Tips T. Allow's review! We will commonly discover out this sentence all over. When still being a kid, mother made use of to purchase us to always check out, so did the teacher. Some books Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become An Instant Pot Expert With Timing Guides For Over 300 Different Ingredients With Top Tips T are fully read in a week and we need the responsibility to assist reading Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become An Instant Pot Expert With Timing Guides For Over 300 Different Ingredients With Top Tips T What about now? Do you still like reading? Is reading only for you that have commitment? Never! We here supply you a new e-book qualified Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become An Instant Pot Expert With Timing Guides For Over 300 Different Ingredients With Top Tips T to review.

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Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become an Instant Pot expert with timing guides for over 300 different ingredients with top tips t

Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become an Instant Pot expert with timing guides for over 300 different ingredients with top tips t

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Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become an Instant Pot expert with timing guides for over 300 different ingredients with top tips t

Are you an Instant Pot owner and want to become an expert user?

If you have an Instant Pot electric pressure cooker and want to create new Instant Pot recipes or cook ingredients perfectly, you can with this official Instant Pot book containing the cooking time guidelines for hundreds of ingredients. It will be your go to companion that you can carry with you wherever you have your Instant Pot.

Are you confused by cooking times and processes? 

Boil, braise, steam? Natural or quick pressure release? If you are confused by the best way to tackle an Instant Pot recipe, this book will help. Each group of ingredients has a guide on the best cooking methods and techniques for that food group.


Book 2 of The Official Instant Pot Guides Will Help

This book, part of the Official Instant Pot guide series, has been written by expert users and will guide you to quickly cook like an expert yourself. It contains the cooking time guidelines for over 300 different ingredients together with tips to create the perfect dish and get the most from your Instant Pot electric pressure cooker


Over 300 Ingredients Covered

Covers seafood and fish, rice and grains, beans legumes and lentils, meat and poultry, vegetables, fruit. Includes guides on fresh and frozen timing and the best pressure pressure release methods that you should use for each ingredient. This guide is suitable for use with the Instant Pot 6 in 1 Lux, the Instant Pot 7 in 1 Duo and the Instant Pot Smart.

  • Teach you the best way to cook different foods
  • Guide you as to the correct cooking time for a range of ingredients
  • Advise you on the best pressure release process for each ingredient
  •  Bonus Tips

    As a bonus twenty top insider tips for Instant Pot success have been included in this guide. They are the tricks and hints that will help you get the most from your Instant Pot. Also included are links to further sources of information.

    Buy now and take the first steps to becoming an Instant Pot expert. 

    • Sales Rank: #56739 in eBooks
    • Published on: 2015-11-11
    • Released on: 2015-11-11
    • Format: Kindle eBook

    Most helpful customer reviews

    32 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
    If I could have given ZERO stars I would have!
    By Terri H
    This almost book (32 pages) 15 of it somewhat useful was a waste of $5 and change. All the information in here is available for free on the web. I fell hook line and sinker for the title. The only thing I found "Ultimate" about the book was the disappointment! When talking about cooking meat, the phrases BRAIZE, BOIL and STEAM are used. However the only option on the actual instant pot is steam. Very confusing to those relying on this book to help them learn how to use their Instant Pot.

    27 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
    Not worth it
    By Camille Caldwell
    This "booklet" is only just a few pages, don't bother, not worth your money or time. Not helpful at all

    20 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
    No added value really.
    By Stuart Mcknight
    I should have read the reviews first. There isn't any new information in here not already in what comes with the product. I guess if you bought one used with no guides it would be worth your $5. Not for me though.

    See all 52 customer reviews...

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    ## Fee Download Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become an Instant Pot expert with timing guides for over 300 different ingredients with top tips t Doc
    ## Fee Download Instant Pot Ultimate Cooking Time Guide: Become an Instant Pot expert with timing guides for over 300 different ingredients with top tips t Doc

    ** Ebook Download What We Drink: a collection of cocktail recipes, by Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos

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    What We Drink: a collection of cocktail recipes, by Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos

    What We Drink: a collection of cocktail recipes, by Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos

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    By clicking the web link that we provide, you can take guide What We Drink: A Collection Of Cocktail Recipes, By Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos flawlessly. Attach to net, download, as well as save to your device. What else to ask? Reading can be so very easy when you have the soft data of this What We Drink: A Collection Of Cocktail Recipes, By Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos in your gizmo. You could also copy the data What We Drink: A Collection Of Cocktail Recipes, By Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos to your workplace computer or in your home or perhaps in your laptop. Just share this great information to others. Suggest them to see this page and also obtain their searched for books What We Drink: A Collection Of Cocktail Recipes, By Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos.

    What We Drink: a collection of cocktail recipes, by Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos

    A beautiful, straight-forward introduction to making great cocktails at home.

    This book answers the question, "How can I make a great cocktail at home?"

    We found that many of the existing cocktail books do not work well for the novice that is just getting started. We spent more than a year testing recipes and instructions with friends, all to put together a book that we think clearly and simply describes the basics of making a great cocktail.

    • The book includes 27 recipes, most of which are classics, and collectively demonstrate a broad cross-section of the world of cocktails.
    • Cocktail making technique is introduced progressively through each recipe, so readers do not have to read through a bunch of text before starting to make a drink. An instruction index is available at the end to refresh the reader's memory when needed.
    • Readers are exposed to basic cocktail theory through the recipes. For example, many people do not realize that sweetness can be countered with acidity, so if you accidentally put too much sugar in your cocktail, you can easily fix it by adding some lemon juice.

    The book is also as beautiful as it is functional. Each cocktail is accompanied by a full page high quality photograph. It looks as good lying on a coffee table in your living room as it will in your kitchen or home bar.

    • Sales Rank: #2156214 in Books
    • Published on: 2015-11-15
    • Binding: Hardcover
    • 69 pages

    About the Author
    Jeffrey Nichols and Naomi Ramos have been cocktail enthusiasts for many years and were inspired to write this book by their friends who often asked how to make great cocktails at home. They are keen observers of cocktail technique, have visited many of the world's top cocktail bars, and have frequented industry seminars on the topic. They currently live in San Diego, California and enjoy overstocking their home bar with unusual and esoteric spirits.

    Most helpful customer reviews

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    Practical and good looking
    By Julian Cerruti
    I love my copy of this book.
    It is taking me at my own pace (slowly) from classic to more elaborate drinks, teaching along the way without overwhelming. It gives enough of a base on each drink that researching into other variations is very simple.
    It also has great photography, making it a nice coffee table book.
    Totally recommended!

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    This book has spurred a family obsession with cocktails. ...
    By Amazon Customer
    This book has spurred a family obsession with cocktails. My husband makes a different drink from the book every night, and particularly likes that he's learning new cocktail-making tidbits along the way. A delicious addition to our kitchen.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    A must have!
    By Mon
    Always wanted something simple, easy to follow and elegant enough to keep in my display! Don't forget the digital copy as well!

    See all 4 customer reviews...

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    ** Ebook Download What We Drink: a collection of cocktail recipes, by Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos Doc

    ** Ebook Download What We Drink: a collection of cocktail recipes, by Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos Doc
    ** Ebook Download What We Drink: a collection of cocktail recipes, by Jeffrey Nichols, Naomi Ramos Doc

    Senin, 21 September 2015

    ~~ Download PDF Success as a Teen Athlete: A Guide to Reaching Your Athletic Potential, by Michael Zarian

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    Success as a Teen Athlete: A Guide to Reaching Your Athletic Potential, by Michael Zarian

    Success as a Teen Athlete: A Guide to Reaching Your Athletic Potential, by Michael Zarian

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    Success as a Teen Athlete: A Guide to Reaching Your Athletic Potential, by Michael Zarian

    Learn why some teen athletes are successful and how to become one of them. Michael Zarian, a national level swimmer, gives athletes advice on what it takes to reach their potential. In this book, you'll find topics ranging from Mental Strength to Goal Setting to Being a Leader. Pick up a copy today and unleash your athletic potential.

    • Sales Rank: #1533318 in Books
    • Published on: 2015-11-25
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .13" w x 6.00" l, .19 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 56 pages

    Most helpful customer reviews

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    Great Handbook for Teen Athletes
    By lisa kilborn
    Michael Zarian, a decorated young swimmer, shares exactly how he continues to achieve his athletic goals. He explains how and why teenagers should focus on every detail, from waking up early to adhering to a schedule to being coachable.
    While thousands of high schoolers would love to win just one tennis match or one footrace, Michael reveals what separates those who set themselves up to win from those who simply wonder how they do it.
    As Michael illustrates, it takes tremendous discipline and teamwork--and sometimes thick skin--to earn success as a teen athlete. The book's title says it all.
    Buy it for your kids or young athletes you know, as well as coaches and parents. It also serves as a great handbook for basic life skills.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Five Stars
    By Brian W Fox
    Best motivational book we own. I have purchased several as gifts. Highly recommended for any athlete.

    See all 2 customer reviews...

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    Smoker Recipes: Irresistible Spicy Smoking Meat, Hamburger, Smoked Chicken and Pork for Your Best Barbecue (Smoking Meat & Barbecue Guide)

    Anyone who has an interest in smoking meat will eventually purchase their own smoker. Smokers come in a variety of types, such as gas, water and wood. You have a choice of the type of wood, like hickory and mesquite, you can use, depending on the taste you want to achieve. You will find that some types of wood taste better with certain meats.

    You will learn a few tips on how to make sure obstacles don’t obstruct your plans for a delicious meal. You should consider the weather, the temperature you are cooking and for how long with each smoked meal you make. Considering all possible options and following all instructions will help ensure your dinner delights everyone who eats it.

    Inside You Will Find:

    ●Information about Various Smokers
    ●Recipes for Smoking Delicious Hamburgers
    ●Many Different Varieties of Chicken and Pork Recipes for the Smoker
    ●How to Avoid Making Mistakes
    ●Some of the Most Delicious Recipes Available
    ●And Much More

    Once you’ve made a few of these delicious recipes, you will probably want to start spicing things up on your own. There’s no problem with taking a recipe and personalizing it.

    Don’t wait another minute. Learn how to use your smoker to make the best recipes available!

    Don’t Delay. Download This Book Now.

    • Sales Rank: #220414 in eBooks
    • Published on: 2015-11-15
    • Released on: 2015-11-15
    • Format: Kindle eBook

    Most helpful customer reviews

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    Enjoying most delicious smoker recipes!!
    By Amazon Customer
    My husband and I love smoker recipes. The different types of wood and spices gives a unique flavor to the dishes. Being bored of eating regular dishes for a long time we decided to try our hands on Grills and Smokers this holiday season. I am really glad to have this book and was able learn some of the best recipes ever. The images makes these recipes irresistible and instructions are easy to follow. Spicy smoked chicken was the first recipe we tried. We absolutely fell in love with Smoker! It's great.

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    By Barbara J. Anderson

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Not for a Novice
    By Ansel
    "Disclosure: I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review"

    My first impression was that this was a book of gathered recipes and at the end of the book there was a disclaimer stating that this was so which in my opinion should have been at the beginning. As I read this book it seemed to be recipes for several different types of smokers.

    I gave this book only 2 stars because there were several discrepancies. Some of the recipes gave the temperature to preheat the smoker to while others did not. One recipe stood out as the picture showed what looked like skinless/boneless chicken breasts but the recipe called for 2 6 pound bone-in breasts (which are huge - the size of turkey breasts). Another said to soak the pork chops in the brine for several hours, which may be fine, but the recipe did not say how thick the pork chops should be. For a novice this could be a problem.

    My suggestion is to use this recipe book as a guide and use your own judgement depending on the thickness of your meat and the type of smoker you are using.

    See all 43 customer reviews...

    Smoker Recipes: Irresistible Spicy Smoking Meat, Hamburger, Smoked Chicken and Pork for Your Best Barbecue (Smoking Meat & Barbecue Guide) PDF
    Smoker Recipes: Irresistible Spicy Smoking Meat, Hamburger, Smoked Chicken and Pork for Your Best Barbecue (Smoking Meat & Barbecue Guide) EPub
    Smoker Recipes: Irresistible Spicy Smoking Meat, Hamburger, Smoked Chicken and Pork for Your Best Barbecue (Smoking Meat & Barbecue Guide) Doc
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    ! Free PDF Smoker Recipes: Irresistible Spicy Smoking Meat, Hamburger, Smoked Chicken and Pork for Your Best Barbecue (Smoking Meat & Barbecue Guide) Doc

    ! Free PDF Smoker Recipes: Irresistible Spicy Smoking Meat, Hamburger, Smoked Chicken and Pork for Your Best Barbecue (Smoking Meat & Barbecue Guide) Doc
    ! Free PDF Smoker Recipes: Irresistible Spicy Smoking Meat, Hamburger, Smoked Chicken and Pork for Your Best Barbecue (Smoking Meat & Barbecue Guide) Doc

    Minggu, 20 September 2015

    ** Free PDF 44 Winning Tactics for Great Soccer Goalkeeping, by Mirsad Hasic

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    44 Winning Tactics for Great Soccer Goalkeeping, by Mirsad Hasic

    Discover the 44 guidelines that shape the path of all successful goalkeepers!

    Ever thought about improving your skills between the three bars? Ever asked what you need to become great? This book will answer it all for you by showing you by examples the 44 things that successful goalkeepers do in order to mark their names in the history of modern football (soccer).

    Find out the single skill that you need so you can become the next great goalkeeper. Ever asked why some keepers fail despite having fantastic physical attributes? What is the one quality that will make any keeper super-successful? This book answers all your questions.

    Acquire: The mental edge that will help you see new possibilities and frequent success like you've never seen before.

    This book is not just about football (soccer), this book will teach you how to develop the strong, successful mindset that will allow you to achieve success in any and all fields of life. The results you will achieve from following the advice in this audiobook will change your life forever.

    • Sales Rank: #179653 in Audible
    • Published on: 2015-11-18
    • Format: Unabridged
    • Original language: English
    • Running time: 198 minutes

    Most helpful customer reviews

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    Five Stars
    By dinty moore
    pithy concise easily understood and rapidly digested by my eleven year old. outstanding series

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    Soccer Book for Tweens and Teens
    By William W. Hammond
    Mirsad Hasic writes easy to read and useful books for young Soccer Players.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    great book for goalie
    By j.k.kumar
    one of the best soccer books that i have ever read contains full of priceless information .going to read it once again

    See all 5 customer reviews...

    44 Winning Tactics for Great Soccer Goalkeeping, by Mirsad Hasic PDF
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    ** Free PDF 44 Winning Tactics for Great Soccer Goalkeeping, by Mirsad Hasic Doc
    ** Free PDF 44 Winning Tactics for Great Soccer Goalkeeping, by Mirsad Hasic Doc

    > PDF Download Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner

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    Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner

    Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner

    Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner

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    Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner

    The Life-Changing Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Meal Plan To Restore Your Health―With Five Ingredients or Fewer

    Holistic nutritionist Sondi Bruner puts you on the path to good health by showing you how to reduce inflammation by following an anti-inflammatory diet. Keep it simple, satisfying, and healthy with Bruner’s five-ingredient, inflammation-fighting recipes.

    The Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21 is an indispensable anti-inflammatory diet cookbook and meal plan with one goal: to transition you to a healthier lifestyle that supports your immune system. Discover how an autoimmune diet can be easy, convenient and filled with variety and flavor.

    The Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21 preps you, with:

    • Over 100 simple, delicious inflammation-fighting recipes, like Quinoa Flatbread Pizza
    • A 21-day meal plan to eliminate inflammation-causing triggers and reintroduce nourishing foods
    • Recipe labels for dietary restrictions (vegan, gluten free, soy free, nut free, and more)
    • Lifestyle & dietary tips to promote healthy habits and soothe chronic inflammation

    The Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21 gets you on track to support your health goals, control your inflammation, and still eat foods you enjoy.

    • Sales Rank: #30869 in Books
    • Published on: 2015-11-16
    • Released on: 2015-11-16
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.25" h x .57" w x 7.50" l, 1.10 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 208 pages

    About the Author
    Sondi Bruner is a holistic nutritionist, writer, food blogger, and recipe developer who specializes in digestive issues and allergen-friendly diets. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, with her husband and fur baby.

    Most helpful customer reviews

    23 of 24 people found the following review helpful.
    As Easy As A-B-C and 1-2-3!
    By christine laskero
    It seems everyone I talk to these days is undertaking some sort of detox diet. If you have been wondering if this is something you should try, this book would be a good place to start. Sondi Bruner gives a great introduction which explains how inflammation helps us heal following an injury. When acute inflammation turns into chronic inflammation, the effects can do serious damage, particularly in the case of autoimmune diseases. She tells us which foods worsen our immune systems and why and also extols the virtues of foods that nourish and heal inflammation.

    Bruner's book is a guide to undertaking a 3 week elimination diet which removes the inflammatory diets and helps you transition to a healthier lifestyle. The book includes 3 weeks' worth of menu plans, shopping lists, and recipes. Each recipe has no more than 5 ingredients. She includes helpful tips to those of us (each and every one of us?!) with busy lifestyles to help minimize the chances of us being unprepared and therefore likely to sabotage ourselves. This diet is not for the faint-hearted - you will eliminate gluten, dairy, corn, soy, peanuts, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, eggs, feedlot animal products, and artificial and processed foods. If you are wondering what's left, you will be in for a surprise. And what Bruner does with the remaining ingredients may be nothing short of amazing. I can't wait to try the Salmon Mushroom Hash, the Chicken Alfredo with a cauliflower based sauce as well as the Roasted Apricots and Almond Crusted Salmon.

    The only place I feel the book falls a bit short is in telling us if, when, and how to add foods back in. It seems unrealistic to think this won't happen and it would be helpful if there was a chapter on what happens next. But if you are looking for a easy to read and simple to follow book to get you started, this would be a good choice. I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Great tips and substitutions
    By J. Graham
    I bought this book in hopes that learning some triggers would help my HUsband and I with our aches and issues we have.
    I guess it's really true as you get older the more you start to feel it.
    I liked that this book went through lists of foods to enjoy freely and foods which trigger you , and that you should avoid.
    There are tips to help you boost your immune system and reduce the triggers, by eliminating certain items from your diet. There are substitutions to use.
    There is a meal plan, and not all recipes are just 5 ingredients. She states 3 weeks for her diet to be beneficial and depending on the person your results will vary, and how quickly you see results will also vary.
    I personally only found a handful of the recipes to be something that my family and I would like.
    I do love the fact that each and every recipe has a series of labels by it to tell you if it is vegan, gluten free, soy free, nut free, etc...
    This is very beneficial to alot of people. Even if you have not be officially diagnosed with an allergy, you can easily say I can safely eat this without any side effects.
    I will try some of the tips she shares in this book, with hopes that making some of the little changes she talks about will benefit us, and we will start feeling less crampy and achy. I know winter here in the Pacific Northwest is getting kind of brutal for my husband and I. The cold, damp winters are really making us wish we were in a drier and warmer climate. Since that can't happen until he retires, I'm hoping this book and the changes I make after reading this book will help us both.
    I received a sample book for my honest opinion on the book. My opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any way for my review.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    this book is a great place to start
    By roberta
    I've been reading a lot a about the anti inflammatory diet lately. If you are interested in learning more about it, this book is a great place to start. It provides you with simple easy steps to ease into good health via the anti inflammatory diet. The author gives their personal experience with inflammation and how eating an anti inflammatory diet changed their life. The book is full of nice full color pictures. The author provides you with a list of health problems that stem from inflammation like asthma, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis, and explain how to fight it with diet. The author tells you about the benefits of an anti inflammatory diet, like energy, focus, and strengthened immune system. You're provided with a list of foods that worsen inflammation, like gluten,dairy, corn and caffeine and a list of foods that nourish and heal inflammation, like basil, berries and fish. You'll learn the difference between food allergies and intolerance and sensitivity. There's a great list of foods to enjoy and foods to avoid, categorized and laid out in an easy to read chart. You get shopping guideline and a pantry list. The author explains how to prep yourself for an anti inflammatory life style with a 3 week elimination diet, which includes a complete menu, a to do list for each of the 3 weeks, and a shopping list. This 3 week diet consists of 5 ingredient recipes which make them easy to prepare and simple to shop for. This book gives you everything you need to get started and even provides you with 100 delicious recipes for your anti inflammatory lifestyle including smoothies and breakfast, snacks and sides, soups and salads, vegetarian dishes, seafood, meat and poultry, desserts, and sauces condiments and dressings. This book really gives you a great start to make this transition easy and delicious. I'm really excited to get started.

    I received this book for free for my honest unbiased review.

    See all 80 customer reviews...

    Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner PDF
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    Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner Kindle

    > PDF Download Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner Doc

    > PDF Download Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner Doc

    > PDF Download Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner Doc
    > PDF Download Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21: 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3 Weeks to Fight Inflammation, by Sondi Bruner Doc